Tuesday, August 17, 2010

we did. we're the best. all you other's can go home now.

Cara and I are now married and this blog, therefore, as a computer would say, DOES NOT COMPUTE.

So we have created a joint blog about our married life together.

Please refer to it for my future crazy ramblings and her "oh so sweet" approach to making me a meatloaf. Or a pie. Whatever it is a wife should be doing.

Oh Snap!


Friday, August 13, 2010

day one of wedding weekend completed

we did it. well, the first day at least. it all happened so fast that i can't even imagine how fast tomorrow will come and soon go.

today was filled with a lot of stress, driving, running errands, some good wedding ceremony practice, an amazing taco dinner with great people and a strong storm, a little light help getting the reception room together and maybe i had time in there somewhere to have 20 minutes in the whirlpool bathtub in my private suite.

and now i'm sitting in my fiance's private suite, waiting to her to freshen up so we can practice our dance for tomorrow night.

and while i sit here, waiting, her dress is directly across the room from me, hanging very elegantly in a thick white bag.

i can't wait to see her in it.

now, time for a few dances and then bed!

tomorrow... i get to be married to the most amazing person i've ever met.

Coming to you live...

Hey there. I know I haven't treated you the best recently, blog peeps. I didn't post these past few weeks as much as I probably should have. Let me try to change that this weekend.

"But KJ," you say, "won't you be too busy with all the wedding stuff to blog this weekend."

Well this is where my wonderful fiance comes into play. This morning we exchanged wedding gifts and I am happy to say that I am writing to you from my brand new Mac Book Pro.

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful person so close to me in this life and I can't wait to be married to her.

I'll be able to bring my new computer with me on the go and blog at various times this weekend.

As for now, I have a list of things I need to finish up before heading to the hotel this afternoon.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mr. Almost Married's Fancy Suit has Arrived!

I just received an e-mail saying that my fancy suit has arrived and is ready for pick-up!

I am really excited to get there and try it all on!

Tee hee!


i are the champions

I ask you...

Well I did it. I achieved my 2nd goal AND THEN SOME.

239 pounds is where I stand today with 5 days left before the wedding. And I can honestly say that I did not expect to reach such a milestone at this point when I started this weight-loss venture.

It's been an incredible experience so far. Eating better and running outside like crazy. Speaking of running, I hit a personal record this past Saturday with a 6 mile non-stop run.

So I'll end this post the only way I know how:

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fact: I have the most beautiful fiancée in the history of the universe.

2 pounds in 2 days: Rock the Vote

After a I reached my 20 pound goal ahead of schedule, I went ahead and pronounced that I could lose an additional 10 pounds by the Monday prior to the wedding.

So here I stand. I weighed myself this morning and came in at 242.

Two days before my last goal and two pounds to go.

I added a poll on the right side of my blog page, just above the Wedding Weight Watch section. Hop on over like a bunny and make your pick.

Do I have what it takes to drop 2 pounds in 2 days or will I simply give up, black out and wake up at a chinese restaurant with a bucket of crab rangoon?


Monday, August 2, 2010

12 Days: heavy is the head that eats the crayons

So, ok. We have 12 days left till the wedding and we have a HEFTY HEFTY HEFTY list of items left to tackle.

Time to hit it hard!