Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Minimoon Tournament!

Ok, first things first. Honeymoons are expensive. Well, really nice honeymoons are expensive and Cara and I both want to have a great, fantastic time in some tropical location. Problem is the amount of cash flow we currently don't have. So, after MONTHS and I do mean MONTHS of long talks and the occasional hurt feelings, we have a plan:

Right after the wedding we will take the cult favorite "mini-moon." This is a time for us to take a few days to relax somewhere within striking distance and for a modest price.

Then, next spring we hatch the mother of all honeymoons! Ok, maybe not that big, but hopefully a great one that we will both really enjoy.

So, the question came about as to how will we determine where to take our Minimoon. Given the current fever of March Madness and NCAA Basketball we have designed a tournament bracket of locations.

Our bracket features 8 regions, each with 4 hotels. We will then compare every aspect from cost to things to do and eliminate the losers until we find the best Minimoon money (editor's note: our money) can buy!

I'm not sure how much disclosure Cara wants everyone to have with this right now, so I will limit it to just letting you all know our 8 regions (as depicted in the picture above).






NORTH CAROLINA (as noted by the One Tree Hill logo)

THE SOUTH COAST (as noted by the Chik Fil A logo)


Each of these regions will "host" four hotels for us to pit against each other.

In short, this is probably the most fun anyone every had planning this type of vacation!

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