Thursday, July 22, 2010

RSVP Slackers: Day One

Gather around kids, Uncle KJ has his first batch of people who missed the RSVP deadline.

Here are the RSVP's we got in yesterday (1 day late):

Rita and Paul: Cara's cousin Rita and her fiancée. What up, guys? Too busy planning your own wedding to send stuff in on time? Think that just because you guys are cool and are gonna have an awesome winter wedding that you can sit in the back of the class?

You both will now be leading everyone in the Macarena at our reception.

Renee Arnett: Cara's cousin and Rita's sister. Renee, no words can describe the hurt you have caused me by being a day late. Well, except for the words I just typed. Yeah I think those sum it all.

You will now be forced to slap the butt of whoever is closest to you anytime Cara and I kiss at the reception.

Bill, Nancy and Will Arnett: Cara's Uncle, Aunt and cousin (also are Rita and Renee's parents). Well well well. We rounded out the set, didn't we. The Bill and Nancy Arnett clan stuck together as a family and made it a complete set for being a day late.

I therefore state that you three will have to cross arms with each other anytime you want to take a drink during the reception.

Carmella and Devin: Cara's college friend and her boyfriend. Really, Carmella? Really? YOU were late with your RSVP?

You and Devin have to dance to every song at the reception. Even the anniversary dance and the sad, but sure to happen, last call dance.

We got a few other RSVP's in the mail, but I won't be including them as they are not coming. I shall never speak their names again! Unless they send us a wedding gift, then I shall speak their names again.

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